[SEL] Corn-gas a BUST!

David Rotigel rotigel at alltel.net
Mon Sep 24 19:42:36 PDT 2007

Another vote for the continuation of this welfare program for farmers?

On Sep 24, 2007, at 10:27 PM, JR504 at aol.com wrote:

> At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, which I am not,  
> this is
> nothing more than a mouthpiece article for big oil, taking a shot at
> Biodiesel and Alternative Fuels.  This is very old news and written  
> in a  way to make
> it sound like something that it's not.  The emissions that  they're  
> referring
> to is NOx emissions (NO, NO2, NO3) that is formed under high   
> combustion
> chamber temps.  The tiny increases that you normally see with   
> Biodiesel (from
> 100ppm to 102ppm on my car during cruise) can very easily be   
> compensated for by
> increasing EGR gasses, or retarding injection timing by  a degree  
> (1.5 degrees
> on my '99 VW TDI).  For a long time these increases  were disputed  
> because
> they are small enough to be camouflaged by normal margins  of error in
> dynomometer testing.  The latest Diesels have catalysts that   
> virtually eliminate NOx
> emissions out the tailpipe, so the 2% increase out of  the  
> combustion chamber
> doesn't mean anything.  Tailpipe emissions between  the 2 fuels on  
> engines
> equipped with modern exhaust systems is identical, at  least in  
> terms of NOx.  Soot
> is much lower with Biodiesel.
> Joe Rappa
> Mexico, NY

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