[SEL] Fw: Amsoil two stroke oil
Steve W.
falcon at telenet.net
Mon Sep 17 11:46:35 PDT 2007
I have used both of those oils and have the same problem with both. The
fumes given off when they burn give you a BAD headache.
I used them while racing snowmobiles and in the woodlot. They do work
very well. The 100:1 caused no problems in any of my gear and most were
40:1 engines. I still use it in the two strokes around here. I just make
sure not to use them on a day with dead air.
Peter Lowe wrote:
> Hi all
> I contacted the only Amsoil Dealer in NSW, A1 OILS - Australia, and his
> reply to my question about running my Maytags on Amsoil is below.
> I did not want this thread to start off and take over the group again, so
> just read it and take it in for what he says, as we have heard all the pros
> and cons before.
> The prices are in Aussie dollars and he sent me 6 .PDF files about the two
> products below if anyone is interested, they are probably on the Amsoil web
> site any how and his details for direct deposit to buy some.
> I am going to get a quart and try it.
> Any questions please contact me OFF LIST plowe at exemail.com.au
> Regards
> Peter, Oz
>> Hi Peter,
>> Thank you for your enquiry regarding Amsoil products.
>> There are no other distributors in NSW, but I am more than happy to send
>> product to you whenever you need some.
>> Sorry, about the late reply, I have been away for a few days on unexpected
>> family business.
>> Yep, there is no reason why your motor will not run beautifully well and
>> clean on Amsoil.
>> There are two different two-stroke oils to consider for your application.
>> If
>> you are going to use at 50:1 or richer you would be better off to use
>> Amsoil
>> Interceptor at $17 a quart (946ml).
>> If you are going to run it at between 50 and 100:1 Amsoil Saber-Pro 100:1
>> will be better value for you. This is $19 a quart.
>> Registered Post will be $11.00 on top of whichever of the above oils you
>> choose to use. The reason postage seems dear is that Australia Post have a
>> basic charge of nearly $9 per parcel plus a cost per kilo on top.
>> I do give a 10% discount for box buys of 12.
>> Don't stress though, your motor will run clean and sweet on any of
>> Amsoil's
>> Two Stroke oils. I will attach some info to help you make the choice.
>> I will also attach my banking details in case you go ahead with an order.
>> Thanking you,
>> Peter Crossing
>> A1 OILS - Australia
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Steve W.
Near Cooperstown, New York
NRA Member
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