[SEL] Fw: Amsoil two stroke oil
David Rotigel
rotigel at alltel.net
Mon Sep 17 06:44:41 PDT 2007
Hi Peter,
This is indeed GREAT news! I would suggest that you use the
Interceptor (at $17.00 per qt.) It's a bit more expensive, but you
will more than make up the money in the saving of only using half the
I wish you would write the guy again and ask if you could become an
Amsoil distributor in NSW. Since there would be no competition w/in
hundreds of miles for the product the opportunities would seem to be
unlimited! I would also be interested in the guys opinion on using
Interceptor at 101:1 and 102:1. As an experiment I think you should
try it at 4,000:1 and then let the List know the results. I would be
willing to pay for the Interceptor used in that experiment!
As you know I'm ALWAYS interested in any information that advances
our knowledge of the starting, running and STOPPING of Fred's
Mistake! I look forward to what others have to add to this
fascinating thread!
On Sep 17, 2007, at 8:21 AM, Peter Lowe wrote:
> Hi all
> I contacted the only Amsoil Dealer in NSW, A1 OILS - Australia, and
> his
> reply to my question about running my Maytags on Amsoil is below.
> I did not want this thread to start off and take over the group
> again, so
> just read it and take it in for what he says, as we have heard all
> the pros
> and cons before.
> The prices are in Aussie dollars and he sent me 6 .PDF files about
> the two
> products below if anyone is interested, they are probably on the
> Amsoil web
> site any how and his details for direct deposit to buy some.
> I am going to get a quart and try it.
> Any questions please contact me OFF LIST plowe at exemail.com.au
> Regards
> Peter, Oz
>> Hi Peter,
>> Thank you for your enquiry regarding Amsoil products.
>> There are no other distributors in NSW, but I am more than happy
>> to send
>> product to you whenever you need some.
>> Sorry, about the late reply, I have been away for a few days on
>> unexpected
>> family business.
>> Yep, there is no reason why your motor will not run beautifully
>> well and
>> clean on Amsoil.
>> There are two different two-stroke oils to consider for your
>> application.
>> If
>> you are going to use at 50:1 or richer you would be better off to use
>> Amsoil
>> Interceptor at $17 a quart (946ml).
>> If you are going to run it at between 50 and 100:1 Amsoil Saber-
>> Pro 100:1
>> will be better value for you. This is $19 a quart.
>> Registered Post will be $11.00 on top of whichever of the above
>> oils you
>> choose to use. The reason postage seems dear is that Australia
>> Post have a
>> basic charge of nearly $9 per parcel plus a cost per kilo on top.
>> I do give a 10% discount for box buys of 12.
>> Don't stress though, your motor will run clean and sweet on any of
>> Amsoil's
>> Two Stroke oils. I will attach some info to help you make the choice.
>> I will also attach my banking details in case you go ahead with an
>> order.
>> Thanking you,
>> Peter Crossing
>> A1 OILS - Australia
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