[SEL] Crankshaft extending
Alan Bowen
rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 12 15:27:56 PDT 2007
Then if the next guy is like me he will see that pulley and start looking for what he can run with that engine.
Of course if your welding job is done right with the addition of that internal pin that should be a pretty strong shaft extension.
Alan Bowen
Williamsburg, Michigan
David Rotigel <rotigel at alltel.net> wrote:
George, Then your "fix" is a good one!
On Sep 12, 2007, at 3:38 PM, Best, George wrote:
> Dave,
> It would be mostly for looks and I'd possibly put a pulley on it at
> some
> point but don't know that it would ever be belted up to anything.
> George
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sel-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com
> [mailto:sel-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com] On Behalf Of David
> Rotigel
> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 12:01 PM
> To: The SEL email discussion list
> Subject: Re: [SEL] Crankshaft extending
>> Does this sound like a feasible way to fix the crankshaft?
> It would seem to depend on what you are going to attach to the
> "extended
> portion of the shaft and what speed you will be running it at.
> Dave
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