[SEL] Spam> Portland 2007 picture updates

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 12:22:06 PDT 2007

On 11/09/2007, Curt <curt at imc-group.com> wrote:
> Chuck,
> Abandoned.......same as any other show day in the tractor area at
> Portland.......
> Curt

Just an observation on our part:  This was our fourth Portland trip,
and although the costs get higher every year, the combination of the
show itself, meeting up with friends and the Charity Dinner and
Auction all go to make it a worthwhile effort which we all enjoyed.

Sheila and Rita enjoyed meeting up with the Evil One (who was his
usual charming self!) and the other friends we met with, and both
thoroughly enjoyed the three days. No complaints from any of us!

The 40th Anniversary show didn't seem to have as many folks as the
2003 show, but it  always has to be taken in context; which day?, what
time of day? and so on.

It certainly wasn't crowded this year, but bearing in mind the awful
weather and the traffic problems on I75 in the days before the show,
they did well to pull in what they did.

The last day for us was the Friday, and the car park was almost full
up when we got in about 11.30, so there was a lot more people there
that day.

We are making bookings for next year as soon as we can get the
schedules available.

Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com
Web: www.oldengine.org/members/diesel

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