[SEL] Another One Lives!

David Rotigel rotigel at alltel.net
Wed Nov 14 14:15:11 PST 2007

Hi Kerry,
	A friend just e-mailed me the following.
>   Next week the Senate sub Committee on Trade is scheduled to  
> consider Senate Bill 6969, the Historical Artifact Preservation  
> Act.  In section VII of the proposal, antique engines, industrial  
> machinery and farm equipment are specifically mentioned.  The bill  
> would prohibit all export of "our precious historical heritage" as  
> well as create a super-fund for the purchase and repatriation of  
> artifacts have been stolen from our sacred shores and now reside in  
> the hands of foreign speculators.  A blue ribbon commission will be  
> appointed to track down and recover our lost heritage.  Please call  
> your Senator NOW and let him know how you feel.

	I don't know if it is true, or not, but I do know that some people  
in the US are attempting to fight back against the stupid assed  
people in NZ and OZ who have passed similar laws. They are ALL DIP  
SHITS if you ask me!
PS, I've also been told that several collectors in OZ have notified  
the "authorities" when a shipment of engines was about to be exported  
from your country. Do you have any information on 		that? I'd sure  
like to know who in the hell these people are, if the report is true!  
If true, they should be BLACK LISTED!
PPS, Can I show the Austral next year before I send it back?
PPPS, Please inform those from OZ who attempt to take back my Austral  
that most in the USA still "carry!"
PPPPS, I thought you were a Communist?

David Rotigel
rotigel at alltel.net

On Nov 13, 2007, at 10:15 PM, ozengine at optusnet.com.au wrote:

> Liberals Dave, Liberals  - the place is full of them.
> If you own something (engine) some want to tell you what you can or  
> not do with it, crap, it is mine and I will decide what I will do  
> with it.
> Dave it does not matter to these control freaks if it is made in Oz  
> or not, they want it kept here and hide behind heritage PC crap. so  
> please send back YOUR Austral and you not be reported.
> Kerry
>> I've heard that some in OZ have an objection to engines built in  
>> Australia
>> being exported to the US. Never have figured out that kind of  
>> mentality!
>> 	Dave

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