[SEL] Totally Off Topic
Mark Shulaw
frappi at wcoil.com
Sun May 13 07:22:47 PDT 2007
I agree with ya, And I'd vote for him and a great number of the silent
majority probably would too. Sometimes you find a politician with
conviction of their beliefs. All to rare but once in a blue moon. If they
all had the courage to speak up not as the vocal minority wants but as the
silent majority believes and then walk the talk, politicians might be
suprised at the favorable responce. Politicians should realize that the
minority marches in protests the majority stays at home and goes to
work. MARK
Nuff said from me, SEE YA'LL at PORTLAND SWAP
At 09:35 AM 5/13/07, you wrote:
>it seems reports of attacks like this pop up all too often,,,,,, rick
>perry, govenor of texas, receintly stated he thought any person with a
>concealed carry license should be able to carry ANYWHERE they wanted,,,i
>couldnt believe a politician would make such politically explosive
>statement, but hes got the right idea,,,
>bill boyce
>lost prairie, arkansas
Mark & Christine Shulaw
454 Co. Rd. 33
Bluffton, OH. 45817 USA Email: Frappi at wcoil.com
Your one stop on line source for Maytag Multi-Motor parts.
Parts lists available on request.
Weekdays & Saturday 10 AM to 9 PM Eastern Time 419.358.5206
Saturday 9 AM to 5 PM at cell #419.516.2996 If you have Verizon Cell Phone
you may call the cell number during the weekday hours. No Sunday calls if
I am not an employee or licensed dealer for Maytag Corp. Nor do I represent
them in any way shape or form. I am only a Collector, Preservationist and
hobby dealer of Maytag manufactured items of old. Mark
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