[SEL] Greensburg, KS

Bruce Younger sluggo54 at hotmail.com
Mon May 7 18:49:55 PDT 2007

>>>Just wondering does anyone know if there were any engine Collectors in
Greensburg KS.  that was affected by the Tornados?


If there were any engine collectors in Greensburg, they were affected.  
There is nothing left; many of the trees don't  even have bark any more.  
There is a 28,000 lb combine that was lifted up and deposited in a large 
puddle/small pond about 60 feet away.

Bruce Younger
05G HHC 313 RR Bn 3/67-4/68
Madison, SD
sluggo54 at hotmail.com

"There is no hunting like the hunting of a man and those that have hunted 
armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else 
E. Hemingway

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