[SEL] Need Oiler Sight Glass

Steven N Kitto sndakitto at activ8.net.au
Mon Mar 19 16:49:26 PDT 2007

Another method of getting the glass to break is to heat it with a candle, 
and then use an ice cube to rapidly cool it, it will crack easily. I have 
cut bottles using this method.

Steve and Denise Kitto
MS 126
95 Coleyville Road
Mutdapilly  QLD  4307

Ph 07 54671541

As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man.
Proverbs 27:19

   >  Do the first one or you will surely fail:  ALWAYS have just a tiny 
drop of light oil ( I use 3 in 1 brand or anything similar.) on the cutter.
>  Next, more skill is applied.  We are going to make a tool: Imagine a 5 
> gallon steel can filled with transmission fluid.  Forget the contents and
>   concentrate on the heavy wire bail use for carrying.  From that material 
> ( or something similar ) we will make a tapper.  We are going to tap the 
> INSIDE of the glass ever so lightly, so gently around and right under the 
> score made by the cutter.  Sooner or later a fracture will occur. If we 
> are lucky ( but it's skill rather than luck ) the fracture will be along 
> the score mark.  We continue the process around the inside of the glass 
> .until the fractures meet. Sounds easy yes?  It ain't.  But you will 
> learn.  I used to like to take those 5 gallon Culligan Water bottles and 
> cut a small circular piece out of the side -- and then plant a whole 
> biosphere inside,  The purists did everything from the mouth of the 
> bottle..
>   One recommendation:  I suggest you make your first 50 attempts on 
> glasses that you have gleaned from the local county dump and obtained for 
> free.  But it's fun.  Let me know if you follow through and what results 
> you had.
>  Your man in Japan,   Bill
>  wmyoung at juno.ocn.ne.jp
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