[SEL] Attention Aussies - Austral Question

Arnie Fero fero_ah at city-net.com
Sun Mar 11 14:13:58 PDT 2007

G'day Edd,

Thanks!!  That's pretty much how Dave & I start & run the engine.  We're
using a propane burner rather than one of the original lamps.  I think
we'll try running the cylinder a bit hotter as you describe.

Are you doing anything by way of a starting coil in the lower chamber?

BTW I might need to get one of these engines myself someday.  They sure
are sweet running crowd pleasers!!

See ya,  Arnie

On Mon, 12 Mar 2007, Edd Payne wrote:

> I was wondering if my reply would still be relevant,I posted it 3days ago
> and kept getting undeliverable messages.Now back to the question.Yes Arnie I
> am talking sheet steel and in the centre chamber.I have made my coil the
> same dimensions and # of coils as the original and used what material I had
> on hand which was a piece of galvanised tin .I did this several years ago
> and it is still working great.Several blokes I know use a local product
> called termimesh,This is a stainless steel mesh used under concrete house
> slabs to stop termites.Those that use it swear by it.
> Now here is a rundown of my starting /running procedure .Light up original 2
> burner Austral lamp and heat vaporiser till kero flashes when a small amount
> is dropped on the hot surface .Then do the normal bounce start procedure.I
> have the water flow full open.When the water flows through the tower I shut
> it of completely until the cylinder is hot so you can just bear to lay your
> hand on it then just crack open the water enough to maintain this
> temperature.I leave the heating lamp on all this time or for at least 30min
> after start up.I then remove lamp and put in heat retaining slide where the
> lamp was and also the top cover or close the vent holes depending on model
> of engine.I also run the engine about 150rpm or a little faster till all
> this is achieved then slow it down to about 120rpm.This works great for me
> and a lot of it is getting used to your engine and what works best for you.

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