[SEL] It works? Ban it! - Attention Brent

Rob Skinner rskinner at rustyiron.com
Mon Jun 18 07:24:05 PDT 2007

> there has been technology around for the last 40 -50 years on
> alternative power generation that creats no detrimental effects to the
> environment i have listings of them most of them were bought out by  
> fuel
> companies,Automobile companys or shut down by the government as  
> they were
> potentially damaging to there business.

Your statement is so absurd that I would normally just shake my head  
and ignore it.  However, we have impressionable youngsters on the  
List who might buy into your nonsense.  So with that, I'm calling you  
out, challenging you, throwing down the gauntlet.

You claim to have a list of secret technology.  Please tell us of the  
top three technologies (if it wouldn't break your vow of secrecy).

1.  Name the technology.

2.  Detail how this technology is useful in the production of power,  
the raw materials required, the processes that convet the raw  
materials to energy.

3.  Provide a picture of a prototype device.

4.  Which companies and governments "bought" this technology?

5.  What device do these governments and companies use to prevent YOU  
from utilizing these technologies.

There you go.  Three technologies, fifteen questions total.  It will  
surely be no problem for someone with your extensive database to  
enlighten us with facts.

Just a warning.  If you make unsubstantiated claims, you'll get em  
thrown back in your face with demands for evidence to support your  


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