[SEL] OT PA trip & fuel costs

Richard Fink Sr nancydick at pennswoods.net
Thu Jun 7 07:03:34 PDT 2007

Well if we must BRAG my wife drives Subru [has for years] have not 
seen anything less than 23 MPG country driving. 30 plus out on the 
road. We don't care if it is a Hummer or a VW bug status don't mean 
much as long as it gets there and back CHEAP for 5 years or so.
I like my truck at 5-10 MPG hauls 4 ton a lot easier.
R Fink

At 08:09 PM 6/6/2007 -0500, you wrote:

> >Yeah, like Ford has just introduced an amazing new type of vehicle, the
> >cross-over utility vehicle! Gee, what was my 1980 EAGLE???
> >And it got in the 20's for economy and was FULL TIME 4 wheel drive.
> >Bil
>Big friggin deal. My wife's 4X4 2002 Jag X Type gets 26/28 mpg and would
>burn your silly ass EAGLE to ashes in the 1/4 mile!
>          Dave
>PS, Titles any time you would like to try it!
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