[SEL] SEL Digest, Vol 39, Issue 4
Jerry Evans
jerrye at databak.co.za
Mon Jun 4 11:32:49 PDT 2007
At 06:00 PM 04/06/2007, you wrote:
>Message: 3
>Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2007 17:56:53 +0100
>From: "Fred Southwell" <fsouthwell at googlemail.com>
>Subject: Re: [SEL] Fielding & Platt info needed
>To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
> <3bd33b2e0706030956m6220ce4ck8bd4f5a59b15f6be at mail.gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>A number of years ago the Amberley Chalk Pits Museum had a Fielding and
>Platt under canopy outside their engine shed. I don't know if it's still
>there but you can contact them via their website. They have changed their
>name now but try http://www.amberleymuseum.co.uk. They mught be ablt to
Thanks Fred,
I've got them on my list as they came up via a Google search but
have not contacted them yet - I will do so.
Keep the revs up (or down)
Jerry Evans
Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
Tel. (016) 365-5787
Intntl.: +2716 365-5787
Cell: 083 293 7191
Visit our website for old engines in South Africa.
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