[SEL] Kwik Poly Sealer
David Rotigel
rotigel at alltel.net
Fri Jul 27 04:15:36 PDT 2007
The thing to remember is that QP will NOT stick to itself. One mix
should be enough to do the whole tank. If the holes are large (ie up
to 1/8") put masking tape over then first and then use the QP.
PS, One "unit" will give you a quart!
On Jul 27, 2007, at 9:51 AM, Richard Fink Sr wrote:
> Arnie and any one else that knows. Can this be used to do like the
> bottom of a tank then after drying. Re pore and do the sides. I have
> a tank on a old tractor that is BAD bottom has 2 pound of lead on it
> and still leaks sides very rusty. I would like to seal bottom then
> coat sides it is about 20 gallon tank. Don't know if one mix would
> do all,
> Thanks
> R Fink
> PA
> At 11:15 AM 7/26/2007 -0400, you wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> I've never used Lee's stuff, but I have used Kwik Poly. Kwik Poly
>> is a
>> two-part thermoset sealer that does a fantastic job. It's the
>> consistency
>> of water when first mixed, so you need to tape over any gross
>> holes in the
>> tank. But as you slosh it around and it heats up it gets into EVERY
>> crevice and forms a permanent, hard but flexible coating, with great
>> adhesion. All in all, GOOD stuff!
>> See ya, Arnie
>> On Thu, 26 Jul 2007, Alan Bowen wrote:
>>> Hi Joe,
>>> What is the advantage of Kwik Poly over the tank sealer that Lee
>> Pedersen sells?
>>> http://www.enginads.com/pedersen/index.html
>>> I really like the idea of pouring some in the tank, sloshing it
>>> around
>>> then pouring the extra back into the can for later use.
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