[SEL] New international member to R&V register

Peter Lowe plowe at exemail.com.au
Sat Jul 21 01:35:23 PDT 2007

Hi all

This week I had a chap from Japan register a 8hp R&V Triumph Line engine 
with me.
His English is limited to reasonable but using Google Translator I can 
convert the Japanese quite well.
Their web site is here:
There is a lot of video and hundreds of photos so I guess those on Broadband 
would enjoy it better. Good site for a rainy day.
This chap has a nice Reid, Bessemer, National, Superior and R&V as well as 
Jeeps and other stuff. You will also notice looks of little red fuel tins 
next to their engines, some open with lids off and sucking fuel from the 
open top tank.!!

It just goes to show how the Internet can bring different nationalities 
together like we were just next door.

I also have a chap in Argentina I communicate with, he speaks Spanish, I use 
Google Translator to convert Spanish to English, I then reply in English and 
convert to Spanish and it works great.

Anyhow enjoy the photos and trying to navigate the Japanese, a lot of smokey 
engines, Evil Dave would love them only they are 4 strokes !!!.

Peter Lowe
R&V Engine Registrar
Ph: 61-266453455

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