[SEL] Updated Edwards page
peter ogborne
jopeter at omninet.net.au
Sun Jan 7 18:14:54 PST 2007
Elden ..........some years ago I found one of these engines in outback
Western Australia. It was given to a club I once belonged to and they
started restoring it. I know that quite extensive work was done on it
including re sleeving the bores.
At the time Curt Andree sent me so much info on the engine , invaluable
stuff. I am not sure how the project is going ...slowly I would guess. But
if I can assist in any way let me know ,I am still in contact with the club
and the members who were working on the Edwards.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Elden DuRand" <edurand at cybertron.com>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 8:48 AM
Subject: [SEL] Updated Edwards page
> Group:
> I've just started in on the Edwards two banger project again and have
> updated my page on it.
> http://www.oldengine.org/members/durand/Edwards/Edwards.html
> I still need any information/specs, etc. on these oddball engines.
> Take care - Elden
> edurand at iglou.com
> http://www.oldengine.org/members/durand
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