[SEL] Life happens!!

jlb94 at juno.com jlb94 at juno.com
Thu Dec 20 12:51:35 PST 2007

Hello Joe,
        Building a ball using silver solder (not the stuff that looks
like lead 
solder) will work if the cable is stainless. 
=        =        =        =        =        =
Thanks Rupert,
I don't have any Silver Solder but I can probably get some.

I'll need to do more experimenting.

I can't do much machining but, I just might try to get a couple
cable clamps that "squeeze" on the cable and make that work.

I didn't think cable would be necessary but, after pulling a couple times
with fuel,  the compression really climbs in that little 2 cycle.

Thanks for your reply. 

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