[SEL] Update on Bill Miller

Paul Maples paulmaples at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 22 19:06:00 PDT 2007

Folks I received the below message from Bill's wife this afternoon. It is filled with encouraging news and she and Bill appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: BillMil357 at aol.com 
To: paulmaples at sbcglobal.net 
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: How are you doing?

Hey Paul:

We appreciate your thoughts and prayers.  He went walking with Diana out at the Mall this morning and walked a mile.  He has been tired this afternoon but when we went to see the physical therapist and the speech therapist yesterday and told them he had walked a mile at the mall Monday they said it would be good for him, so they went again today.  They didn't do anything much yesterday except make an assessment.  He has three more appointments with each of them and they didn't seem to think he would need much more out there just things that he could do at home or go walking like he has been doing.  The two people we saw yesterday are in the same place so they worked the appointments back to back.  We were out there a little over two hours.  He goes to his primary doctor tomorrow morning at 11:15.  We will see what he says.  I don't remember if we told you or not but he says the thing he was seeing in the right side of his eye has gone away and he doesn't see it any more.  So that is good.  He still has trouble with names, both people and streets.  They said if he would work puzzles that you have a work and you have to find it in a big sheet of letters.  He worked one last night and Diana fixed him some kind of puzzle with numbers and he has been working on them.  Things that will make him concentrate  on a word or what ever.  She said playing cards was one thing he could do.  He does good talking except for names and the like.  Well that seems to be about it right now maybe we will learn more from the doctor tomorrow.

I hope you all are feeling better.  It has been HOT here again today.   Thanks for writing.
E-you later.

Bill & Roberta

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