[SEL] Need Used Vertical Metal Bandsaw
peter ogborne
jopeter at omninet.net.au
Wed Aug 22 04:11:37 PDT 2007
Alan if we are talking about one of those Asian bandsaws that converts from
horizontal to vertical I would take issue with your idea of taking the work
away from the blade and then switching off . In the event of cutting a
circle or something other than a straight line it is sometimes difficult to
remove the work piece whilst the machine is on.More often than not you will
dislodge the blade from the pulley.In an emergency I would prefer to have
the work piece securely held with two hands whilst I knocked the switch with
my knee. If we are talking about the same sort of machine you can not get
the table closer than approx 4 inches to the upper guides , not the best
idea with all that unguarded blade.An extension from the bottom guide for
the table gets you much closer to the upper guide....makes for more precise
and safer cutting.
Paul........if you are interested in these simple mods I can send you pics.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Bowen" <rustaholic777 at yahoo.com>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: [SEL] Need Used Vertical Metal Bandsaw
> Hey Peter,
> Just take the work away from the blade then hit that switch.
> Also,,,, I don't know about Paul's saw, but on mine both guides are
> adjustable.
> With any band saw it is wise to adjust the guides close to whatever you
> are cutting.
> Francis,
> The motor on my saw seems to be mounted out of the way of the falling
> debris.
> As I remember that last time I used my friend's saw he had bent a piece of
> sheet metal to protect his motor.
> Thanks to your concerns I will be watching mine close !!!
> Very good comment.
> I bought my saw for forty bucks at a Buckley swap meet and just had to
> change one five dollar bearing. Let's just say In the last couple months
> since I fixed it I have saved more than that in gas money by using that
> saw instead of running to town for the cuts I needed. 8>))
> Alan Bowen
> Williamsburg, Michigan
> peter ogborne <jopeter at omninet.net.au> wrote: Paul....a couple of things
> to think about on your modification.With those
> little Chinese band saws when in the vertical position you do not have the
> switch off operating as the arm falls. It is hazardous if you are trying
> to
> hold the work and reaching down to hit the little toggle switch..a no volt
> switch......something that you can bump with your knee is safer. Also an
> extension on the work table to bring it up closer to the guides is another
> mod.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 9:55 AM
> Subject: Re: [SEL] Need Used Vertical Metal Bandsaw
>> In a message dated 8/20/2007 4:54:52 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
>> paulmaples at sbcglobal.net writes:
>> Thanks to Alan Bowen I have now discovered that I can modify the saw I
>> have
>> to be a vertical as well as a horizontal.
>> Paul,
>> Sometimes, a problem pops up and an inquiry made on the list, brings a
>> simple solution. I am glad yours falls into this category.
>> By the way, on my horizontal/vertical band saw, when it is in the
>> vertical
>> position, there is a tendency for the filings or debris to fall into the
>> motor. The original motor on mine unit failed due to this crap getting
>> into the
>> windings.
>> Francis Maciel
>> Santa Maria, Ca
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