[SEL] Spam> Spam/Phish> Hot Air Engine Meet - Tulare - Video

Rob Skinner rskinner at rustyiron.com
Fri Apr 27 10:22:17 PDT 2007

Last weekend was the Third Southwest Regional Hot Air Engine Meet,  
held in conjunction with the Antique Farm Show in Tulare, California.

The Hot Air Meet was more successful than we could have imagined.  On  
hand were every size Rider ever made, every size Ericsson ever made,  
super-rare one-of-a-kind engines, magnificent models, and collectors  
from across North America and Europe.

We hired a professional video producer to document this historic  
event.  He's done several other engine shows, specifically the  
California Gold invitational shows, and the quality has been  
outstanding.  The DVD's are now in production and will be ready by  
the end of May.  If you would like to order one, please visit:


If you order now, you'll be guaranteed a copy.  After the original  
production run, we may not make any more.  These videos will never be  
available elsewhere, so if you want one, now is the time to get it.   
DVD's will also be in PAL format for those of you in the UK and  

Disclaimer:  Yes, I have a financial interest in this.  It's unlikely  
we'll recover the cost of production, but financial gain wasn't our  
goal in making the video.

If you have questions about the video, please contact me off list.

If you want to talk about hot air engines, the show, or Tulare in  
general, let's do it on list.


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