[SEL] --now 33

dbm4gk dbm4gk at chartermi.net
Tue Apr 17 19:26:30 PDT 2007

Hello List,

The killing in Virginia may be the highest number of students killed with a 
gun, but events like this are not new. We now hear about them much quicker 
and they are analyzed by the press till something else comes along.   In 
1927 in the town of Bath, Michigan a farmer upset with a new property tax 
that was to be used to build a new school set off a dynamite charge that 
killed 43 people.  Thirty-nine of them were grade school children.  See this 
link http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~bauerle/bathlink.htm .  He 
missed the school superintendent with the first one so he went back the next 
day and blew up his car killing the super and himself.  My point is that the 
deranged will use whatever is available to achieve their warped goal.  Life 
is often messy and there are no guarantees on how long it will last.


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