[SEL] test...now 33...OT
Edd Payne
edsengns at optusnet.com.au
Tue Apr 17 15:23:19 PDT 2007
So Dave you are calling better than 50 percent of your population lily
livered cowards and so non of your military and soldiers who have given
there lives in Iraq and other places are Democrats.
PO Box 364 Gulgong N.S.W
edsengns at optusnet.com.au
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Rotigel" <rotigel at alltel.net>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 1:06 AM
Subject: Re: [SEL] test...now 33...OT
> Hi Peter,
> We have people here in the USA who argue as you do on this issue.
> In general they are lilly livered cowards who take no responsibility for
> their own lives and safety, but rather expect government to take care of
> them from the cradle to the grave. We call them DEMOCRATS!
> Dave
> At 02:07 AM 4/17/2007, you wrote:
>>So what do you do let everyone have a gun?Is it a case of shoot first and
>>then ask questions?We have a law that says that we can use like force to
>>reject an assault or house intrusion ,bloody stupid and quite unworkable
>>a lot less reactionary than your suggestion of arming everyone,It would be
>>I may well be wrong but I heard an '' Expert '' talking this morning and
>>saying that firearms are allowed on the campus .Perhaps this is just in
>>Virginia.If this is correct then it defies logic!!
>>Lyles fundamentalist solutions ........well I think it has been tried and
>>you can not account for nutters as in the case in question .It would be
>>reactionary rather than some attempt to prevent such things happening.
>>A statistic I heard .....in the world there are an estimated 6 million
>>guns ,2 million are in the US. Don't know where these stats came from
>>they are correct ,maybe not.
>>I think [and this will create a hell of a response ] that the big problem
>>the US and to a lesser degree in Australia is the power of the National
>>Rifleman's Association.Correct me if I am wrong but is not their lobbying
>>power awesome,not many politicians will stand up to them?
>>Finally I would be interested to know which states in the US have gun
>>control that works, also to ask the parents of those kids killed this
>>morning what they think about ''The Right To Bare Arms''
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