[SEL] OT Virginia Uni Killings

peter ogborne jopeter at omninet.net.au
Tue Apr 17 03:29:00 PDT 2007

Chuck and Reg .My opinions are as a complete out sider . I am trying not  to 
be critical of the Laws that you have in the US . I can only repeat what I 
hear and that is Virginia has very lax laws. It seems , so i hear that a 
person can go to a gun show and buy  an assault rifle with out any 
conditions. If this is so then it is no wonder that there are crazys out 
there trying to emulate what they might see on TV . If this is what the law 
allows then so be it and good luck to you in the US.
To Reg ....if you want to go down the road that the US has followed what can 
i say except that i hope not to be around.
Chuck ,as for defending myself ,my wife ,my property yes up there with the 
best of them ,I am not a shrinking violet.
Peter Ogborne
Little Grove ,Albany
West Australia
''Heart of the Rainbow Coast ''
jopeter at omninet.net.au 

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