[SEL] Sydney Rally
Brock Summerfield
brock at netspeed.com.au
Sat Sep 23 05:17:03 PDT 2006
Good pics as normal Patrick thanks for puting them up you forgot to mention
Edd was there to with his Thompson tiger.
regards Brock
----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick M Livingstone" <pml1 at bigpond.net.au>
To: "Stationary Engine ATIS List" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>;
"Stationary Engine Mailing List" <stationary-engine at oldengine.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 10:16 PM
Subject: [SEL] Sydney Rally
>I finally have a couple of minutes spare so a report on last weekend is in
> order :)
> Our club had its annual rally last weekend and the feature was IHC. There
> was a good line up of IHC engines, tractors, trucks and implements. The
> weather was perfect (unusual for this rally).
> A few list members were present, Brad even brought his big 10hp M out of
> hiding and made the long trip down. Of course, as the feature was IHC I
> exhibited my Stover, Brock had his White and Gilson, Michael had a Witte &
> Cam had his Austral. The rest of the list members did manage to have IHC
> engines so that made up for us ;)
> The mighty YC Stover had its first failure after much running at rallies
> since its debut last December. It broke the return spring on the Webster
> ignitor. It is of course in a fiddly spot and the engine was very hot so
> it
> was not fun to replace. New spring in place and the engine was running
> again. The Webster gets a fairly hard time on the throttle governed engine
> as it is continually being tripped unlike on the hit and miss when it gets
> a
> bit of a break when the engine is missing.
> It was another fantastic weekend with nice engines and great people. I
> will
> hopefully have some pics up on my site on the weekend. I took over 400
> photos so there is a lot to sort through.
> Patrick M Livingstone
> Leichhardt NSW
> http://www.oldengine.org/members/pml/Index.html
> http://www.users.bigpond.com/pml/
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