[SEL] Remove us from your list

John Culp johnculp at chartertn.net
Sun Oct 29 11:18:55 PST 2006

I didn't think I was that hard on Tom.

Sorry, Tom, for saying you were too smart!

On Oct 29, 2006, at 1:33 PM, Lyle Myles wrote:

> Why are so many of the list members being so crappy? Is it because it 
> is
> Halloween? Come on guys please lighten up on the poor people that are 
> having
> a hard time unsubscribing from the list. Some people do not understand 
> the
> workings of a computer and all they are asking for is to be removed not
> crucified.
> Lyle DeWitt Myles

John Culp
Bristol, Tennessee, USA

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