[SEL] Working on a Maytag for my Grandson.

Mark Shulaw frappi at wcoil.com
Sun Oct 29 08:32:10 PST 2006

>OK, We are working on a model 91 single cyl Maytag, now can some of you  tell
>me if the taper pin that holds the kick start mechanism on the crankshaft  is
>it driven out from the slot end or the other end of the pin ?   My Grandson
>and I are going to take the cast iron Maytag parts over to my OLE  Buddy Paul
>Maples next Saturday and bead blast them and I want to know if I  can 
>paint the
>inside of the cast iron gas tank with Epoxy paint to keep it from  getting
>rusty and cruddy. What was that stuff that they use to paint red 
>the  inside of
>engines and it stayed slick and pretty, seems like it was Glyptol any  of you
>fellows remember it?

Hi Bill, The split end is the narrow side of a #4 taper pin. So drive on 
the split end to remove.  It was a lead based sealer. If the reds 
relatively intack just clean it and leave it. Or use a good tank sealer to 
reseal it.

         TTYL,  Mark
Mark & Christine Shulaw
454 Co. Rd. 33
Bluffton, OH. 45817  USA            Email: Frappi at wcoil.com

Your one stop on line source for Maytag Multi-Motor parts.
Parts lists available on request.

Weekdays & Saturday 10 AM to 10 PM Eastern Time 419.358.5206
Saturday 9 AM to 10 PM at cell #419.516.2996 If you have Verizon Cell Phone 
you may call the cell number during the weekday hours. No Sunday calls if 
I am not an employee or licensed dealer for Maytag Corp. Nor do I represent 
them in any way shape or form. I am only a Collector, Preservationist and 
hobby dealer of Maytag manufactured items of old.   Mark

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