[SEL] Curved spokes ...engine rotation
curt at imc-group.com
Wed May 24 11:36:01 PDT 2006
Hey Ron, where is your sense of excitement? I'm certain you recall the
stories of "Maytag roulette" that Fred and the shop boys would play
during after hours binge drinking at the washer factory. The last job of
the day on Fridays in the lathe department was to opposite thread both a
crankshaft and flywheel for the evening festivities. The assembly
department would tightly affix the flywheel as best they could so as to
extent the anticipation as long as possible. After much consumption of
corn distillate, a spare kick starter was spun on the floor to decide
which of the fellows standing in the circle around the running Maytag
would be next to stand in the flywheel path. What ever unlucky sot took
eventually took the flywheel in the shins and up the chin was still
expect to report for work come Monday, for as we know, Fred was a bastard!
Reenactments of these glory daze can still be observed at events like
Portland, whereas if you actually see a running Maytag there will
certainly be a group of chaps standing around shaking their heads at the
smoky beast all wondering if they are the next victim. :-)
See ya,
Curt Holland
Gastonia, NC
MaytagTwin at aol.com wrote:
>Hi Rob,
>I think I'll go out to the Maytag Shed and equip my favorite engines each
>with a compass, so that on overcast days I can align the engine in such a manner
>as to keep the flywheels tight while running.
>Were it not for your kindness in sharing this critical information, many
>lives could have been lost should one of the Maytag flywheels loosen, fall free
>while turning, and run amok through the crowd.
>Thank you.
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