[SEL] Clutch pulley on ebay

Duncan Denman canuckiron at wightman.ca
Fri Mar 17 21:24:45 PST 2006

It get kind of stupid sometimes. Many times I go to auctions and see 
everyday things getting prices equal to retail for a brand new item.
Was bidding on a used chainsaw once that ended up going for almost the 
same as a new one of the same model.


Paul Pavlinovich wrote:

> I suspect it is part of the armchair auction phenomenon - people will 
> pay anything just so they don't have to get off their fast expanding 
> behind to actually do something! Ebay does drive prices up. Instead of 
> say 3 people who actually needed a pulley seeing it at Portland 
> getting you $100, on ebay millions of people see it so the chances are 
> more people who actually want one will get a chance to have a go at 
> it. Same at clearing auctions - if 10 people turn up, everything goes 
> for low prices, if 2,000 people turn up a pile of horse manure will 
> fetch $$. I went to a friends clearing sale to help out (I'd already 
> bought my stuff before the auction) - the most ridiculous item I saw 
> on the day was people bidding thousands for fence posts that they had 
> to pull out of the ground by the end of the next day - amazing.
> Regards
> Paul
Duncan Denman
Ayton, Ontario
Antique Gas Engines & Tractors
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