[SEL] Fero Air Pump Company

Judge Tommy Turner lcjudge at scrtc.com
Fri Jun 9 20:08:15 PDT 2006

Brunner >> Fero equals  Herc >> Jaeger???  Decals are cheap....

Tommy Turner
Magnolia, KY

>  Oh how we love to "re-write history" in order to make things more 
> "politically correct."    Let me be the first of many to clue you 
> folks in on the real FERO history.  Now I am sure Arnie's kinfolks 
> were fine men and did many good things, including the Fero Compressor 
> Company.  But dare we stop and ask, where did this idea come from?  If 
> you trace the history of the Brunner Compressor company and look at 
> the pamplets, you will see an example of a fine product that was 
> around before and after the Fero company. In fact, it is amazing the 
> Fero even favors the Brunner!  Having mentioned this to Arnie numerous 
> times he quickly mentions "coincidence" but you be the judge.  As far 
> as the compressor I obtained for Arnie, it came from NC not SC, 
> another blatant misrepresentation put on us by "the man."  Now that is 
> a story to itself!!!!!  I'd love to explain more but I am busy 
> inventing the "Royster light bulb" and the "SS Royster Bar-co-lounger."
> MR cloistered oyster

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