[SEL] OT: Google Earth-Portland

Judge Tommy Turner lcjudge at scrtc.com
Sun Jan 1 18:27:41 PST 2006


    I can't imagine the Metropolis of Magnolia not being in the high 
population areas!  We've got all of 500 people living here.  The next 
town east, Mt. Sherman, has only 75 and the next town south, Jonesville 
has only 50.  I thought we were BIG! (well, at least my county is part 
of a "metro" area..... )

Tommy Turner

> Captures of lesser populated areas are  much less distinct than ,let's say, Wall Street in Manhattan.   I've never been to Magnolia, Kentucky, but I am guessing that it is a  smaller town.  Try a neighboring larger city (Lexington, for  example) and see if the resolution does not come up in a superior way.
>  JM

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