[SEL] OT: Google Earth-Portland

Patrick M Livingstone pml1 at bigpond.net.au
Sun Jan 1 17:56:40 PST 2006

Hi Tommy,
	You are not doing anything wrong it is just that your part of the
world is not in hi-res. A lot of the area is not in hi-res but when you get
a hi-resolution area the detail is fantastic.

Patrick M Livingstone
Leichhardt NSW
-----Original Message-----

JB or someone familar with GE, I don't have very good resolution.  I 
type in my home address, 1174 Upton Road, Magnolia, KY and it brings it 
up but I have to be zoomed out quite a ways before you can really tell 
what you're looking at.  Am I doing something wrong?  Thanks.

Tommy Turner
Magnolia, KY

>If you want to make this on topic you can get a nice view of the Portland
fairgrounds. Go to Portland,IN, look for the oval track. Too bad it wasn't
taken during a show.
>J.B. Castagnos 
>Belle Rose, LA

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