[SEL] Member's Sites on Oldengine.org - IMPORTANT

Jerry Evans jerrye at databak.co.za
Mon Feb 20 09:46:56 PST 2006

At 12:00 PM 19/02/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>Message: 9
>Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2006 23:11:17 +0000
>From: Listerdiesel <listerdiesel at gmail.com>
><Big snip>
>The 'meltdown' aspect is what COULD happen should the server be
>seriously compromised by a virus or worm and we all lose our sites. I
>don't think this is likely, but at the same time I am not prepared to
>take chances with my own or other people's sites.

Hi Peter,
         What would happen in a case like this - if the sites all get wiped 
out. I realise that we have free hosting thanks to Jim but surely they have 
a backup of the whole site held elsewhere. My (commercially hosted) 
business site is automatically backed up every 24 hours (by the hosting 
company) just in case something goes wrong.

         There would be chaos if we all had to reload our sites manually. 
Imagine how slow the traffic would be to Oldengine if all the members were 
trying to upload their sites over a few days.

         I'm not trying to be alarmist - Oldengine seems to be run very 
professionally and I'd be very surprised if they did not have a contingency 
plan - I'm pretty sure that they must have backups. I do and would be 
surprised if other members did not also keep backups. Having a Data 
Recovery business I have noticed that more and more people are learning 
that backups are very necessary especially with websites as these are not 
normally on your own space or under your control.

         Also, Jim has been away as you mentioned and has not had a chance 
to post to the list and explain what this is all about.

         I only get the Digest version and it is only due in about half an 
hour so this may all have been explained by the time I receive it.

Best regards
Jerry Evans.

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