[SEL] Wanted-Maytags

Dave Rotigel rotigel at alltel.net
Thu Feb 16 08:16:17 PST 2006

At 05:49 PM 2/15/2006, you wrote:
>Attention Dave Rotgiel.
>Maytags wanted for a catapult contest. Stan Guldin of Gardnerville Nevada 
>and others are building a huge catapult for launching stuff. He is going 
>to put on a barbecue and have a Maytag launching contest. The furthest 
>will be awarded something....maybe more beer....
>Dave in Nevada

Hi Dave,
         This is a VERY worthwhile venture the part of Stan Guldin! His 
efforts will go a long way to improve the image of our hobby. Please 
provide the List with the date of this historic event and the exact 
location. Do you know if Stan will accept "mail in" entries from those who 
can not make the trip all the way to Nevada? Will GEM be notified in order 
that Richard can attend to do an article? Such an article could provide a 
needed catalyst for others to follow Stan's lead!
PS, I've cc'ed Backus in order to be sure that he has an early "heads up" 
on this world wide FIRST!
PPS, For those of you how haven't seen it refer to: 

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