[SEL] Get it together Spencer

Kerry ozengine at optusnet.com.au
Wed Feb 15 23:36:52 PST 2006

G'Day Jeff

I like all the rest would like to thank Spencer for providing this FREE 
service for us all to communicate with, without THIS list I would not have 
made many great friends (and a few I have upset)from over the world.
I can understand your frustrations, where others that have not been black 
listed may not understand, for 4 months I could not get a post through for 
48hrs after I sent it, in the end it was a waste of time posting as the 
thread I wanted to be a part of was long over. no one could help fix the 
problem of getting my provider (second largest in OZ) off the back list.

My Options.
1. Leave the list (without putting crap on Spencer)
2. Find another (free) provider that was not blacklisted.

As I did NOT want to lose the friendship of this list I got a yahoo mail 
account and subscribed, problem fixed although for my reasons I left the old 
one connected so had to play with two lots of postings, then after the list 
was down several weeks ago my postings on the original account got through 
fine. If this one gets through without a major delay I will unsubscribe the 
yahoo account.

Jeff you are still subscribed so I assume you would realise the flames you 
would get, well it worked, don't know why you did not ask the list if anyone 
else had a problem and what help we could provide

This is also the only list I have had problems with BUT.

1. Its Spencers list, if he wants this type of spam protection that is the 
way it is
2. Refer to my options above
3. Think up another option
4. Shut the door quietly if you go
5 - 10 Thank you again Spencer for your effort in keeping this list going

Kerry Morris
Lithgow N.S.W  OZ
WEB:  www.members.optusnet.com.au/kerrymorris_49/
skype ID:   ozengine

PS. Fred for you "In Comfort Mode"

> There is absolutely no excuse for the crap on the SEL list. 24 hour, 48 
> hour delay. Been there and done that with this and only this list before. 
> In my opinion it's not worth the bother. Change your so called spam 
> filters. They are nothing but a pain in the ass to list members and this 
> IS THE ONLY LIST I HAVE HAD THIS PROBLEM WITH. Your "secure" auction site 
> was hacked last year, and now we have to put up with this? Not worth the 
> trouble for me. Call me gone!!
> Jeff

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