[SEL] Propagation of Orange (inside) Trees

Bruce Younger sluggo54 at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 5 17:15:44 PST 2006

"I read online, with a brief Google search, that these things have been
propagated by feeding the fruit to cattle and collecting the recycled
seeds with a diaper attachment of sorts on the bovines. The digestive
process activates the seed for germination. Just passing along what I
read. It was on the Net, so it must be true!


To propagate hedge apple/Osage orange/Bois d'arc, find a pasture where 
cattle have access to the fruits.  Many will be partially eaten; lots of 
cattle eat them only reluctantly.  Scoop up some green manure in the area 
and spread it where you want your windbreak.  Cover it with a thin layer of 

Now and then a desperate squirrel will eat them, too.  Dunno if squirrel 
manure can be used the same way, but it would sure be harder to collect.

The wood burns VERY hot, too hot for some sheet metal stoves.  It is darn 
tough, and hard on cutting tools.

I have it on no authority at all that the process described by Dr John does 
not involve prolapsed bovine uteri.

Bruce Younger
05G HHC 313 RR Bn 3/67-4/68
Madison, SD
sluggo54 at hotmail.com

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E. Hemingway

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