[SEL] Henry Ford Plans

Bob Matthews bmatthews at matthewsfarm.com
Mon Dec 4 15:27:01 PST 2006

I have had some success by letting the fruit dry somewhat and then 
sorting out the seeds to plant.  I had to plant many seeds to get just a 
few seedlings.

<<Bob Matthews>>
  <<NW Ohio>>

Bill Brueck wrote:

>While we're on these Osage Oranges, as I know them, does anybody know how to
>get a crop going?
>I tried drying out a few seeds and planting them, nothing came up.
>So I bought some seeds from a nursery and planted them.  Same result.
>Can't be all that difficult.  Just keep trying?
>It's unclear to me that they would be OK in southern Minnesota, but I should
>at least have had some sprouts come up.  They seemed to grow OK in central
>Iowa where I grew up.

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