[SEL] Wisconsin question
George/Helen Myers
ottawa at pa.net
Mon Dec 4 15:08:11 PST 2006
Dave, I didn't take issue with that, why did you? Hi there!
The only reason I sign my name to messages is because people will approach him at shows about something that was discussed and he has no idea what they are talking about.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Rotigel
To: The SEL email discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: [SEL] Wisconsin question
That was Helen who replied to you--NOT George!
At 03:52 PM 12/4/2006, you wrote:
>Hi All -
> We nailed this one down, no doubt. The Ottawa tag lists a s/n of 17156,
> right in the ball park of your pictures, George. The Wisconsin tag has
> s/n 737626, 3"x3 1/4" bore/stroke. The engine fits all descriptions for
> the log saw outfit, including the proper gear drive and Ottawa casting
> shown in front of the engine in picture #3 of George's photo album. This
> engine has the Wico mag. I learned something that Ottawa carried on for
> longer than I'd realized. Thanks for the I.D. guys!
>- Steve
>Steve Gray
>Member EDGE & TA, Br. 13 & 27
>Sonora, California USA
>e-mail: segray at bigvalley.net
>Home page: http://www.oldengineshed.com
>George/Helen Myers wrote:
>>The AEH Wisconsin was used by Ottawa on the dragsaws and on the
>>Buzzmasters Ottawa built the crankcase for them. Most of the Wisconsin
>>ID tags are blank at the bottom end and the Ottawa Tag was displayed over
>>the portion. The HP was rated 6, 7 & 8 depending on the RPM.
>>George L. & Helen S. Myers
>>The Ottawa Caretakers
>>If you feel like you're in a rut remember a grave is deeper.
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