[SEL] Safety.."Bolt from the Blue"

Richard Strobel Richard_Strobel7 at msn.com
Tue Aug 29 05:01:50 PDT 2006

G'day all;
   Sitting in my chair gazing out the big shed door yesterday, this lag bolt 
fell to the floor just next of me.


  What the hell, I thought.  Looked up at here's the garage door opener 
business end laying on my garage door:


  2 hrs earlier that door was closed.  So I consider myself fairly lucky 
yesterday.  Bottom line recommend ya'll check your bolts..personally I'm 
going to a "J" bolt over the top of the ceiling joist.

  Anytime a wood screw or lag bolt is used, a pilot hole should be drilled 
to help prevent splitting of the wood.  As my ole wood shop teacher used to 
say: "Only the spiral threads hold."

  My friend Corky had several of his heavy mercury vapor ceiling lights fall 
to the floor..After the second one, we took them all down.  Lag bolts had 
been used.

  Hope ya'll check yours and maybe prevent a pretty good headache.

  Best Regards,


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