[SEL] Charging to Exhibit

Curt curt at imc-group.com
Thu Aug 3 13:18:33 PDT 2006

Mike Tucker wrote:

> Curt,
> Just so you won't be surprised and angered when you pull up to the 
> gate this year, note that the "free for exhibitors" doesn't take 
> effect until the 2007 show.
> Mike

That was because they took your money a year in advance. In otherwords, 
for the last two years, you reserved your place to display a year in 
advance, and they took your money at the current years show. So that's 
why '06 was not included, because they had already taken the money up at 
the '05 show. If you didn't pay last year, you don't have a place to 
show this year. I paid the first year and grumbled about it. I refused 
this past fall, and technically don't have a place to display this year. 
Steve's note indicated he had purchased a few slots and there might be 
room for additional SEL mambers to display. You can bet if there is room 
and I display along with Steve in his spaces I will help him with that 
cost. That's only right.
For many years the SEL has set up together at Arden, and there is no 
doubt the group had the finest collection of engines on the show 
grounds. I look forward to many years of fine engine displays the SEL.

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