[SEL] RE: Castings/now hot bulb engines
peter ogborne
jopeter at omninet.net.au
Sat Apr 29 03:29:27 PDT 2006
Interesting subject Russell.......would the same problem arise with a three
valve engine ? I ask because I have an engine ,make unknown . A lot of the
essential bits were missing such as the fuel system . As I have nothing to
copy I have to '' invent'' the system . It is a Hot Tube engine with a
pecker operating the fuel or vapour valve and the fuel oil supply would be
constant. One thing that worries me is the fact that the governor is belt
driven so there will be no leaving the engine unattended!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Russell Gilbert" <russell at ncable.com.au>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: [SEL] RE: Castings/now hot bulb engines
>>One little danger with these engines is the fuel valve. As
>>the engine governs on the non-opening of this valve prolonged exposure of
>>the valve spring to heat can lead to the excitement of the engine taking
>>off. I have seen this happen with both Australs and Blackstones and it is
> Heart stopping is putting it mildly Patrick. This has happened to me with
> the very first time of starting my 6.5hp Blacky. There was no warning of
> this happening as all the fuel valve assembly looked fine. It had even
> been pulled apart, cleaned up and re-assembled. The first few tries my
> engine didn't start. I made a new coil for the bottom section of the hot
> bulb out of thin sheet metal. once this was done gave it another go. It
> made the difference for the engine as it soon fired up. When it first made
> a few puffs I had the usual smiles one get when bring one of these old
> girls back to life. However the smile soon left as the revs moved up and
> with no apparent way to shut the engine down; my smiles quickly went as
> one was wondering do I just run; or stay and try to and calm the old girl
> down. After shitting myself for a few seconds it was obvious I had to save
> the engine. It was my pride and joy old motor etc etc. I had a friend with
> me; (btw; this thing was really starting to pick the revs up big time!) we
> pulled the fuel line out of the tank thinking that it will run out quick
> enough, Wrong, they don't need much to fire. Fuel bowl was to hot to
> remove as was other parts. We grabbed some pliers to try hold the valve
> shut. No good, the small-ish pliers were to hard to get a decent hold onto
> the part. Went for a bigger pair of pliers and luck was on our side as we
> managed to get a good grip. The spring on the valve started to crush a
> little allowing the pliers to bite in on the valve better and it slowed
> down nicely to a holt. One then went and wiped away the stained undies.
> Got a few shots of bourbon into the system and left the engine alone for a
> little while. I think all this happened about the time on the SEL we were
> chatting about exploding flywheels etc about 4 years ago. Well I can smile
> about it now and talk about my 1000rpm blacky. From all this I guess could
> come a question for any oil engine gurus as to how would they (if there is
> an easy way) shut down a hot bulb engine like the Ronnies and blacky's if
> they ran away like that.
> Russell
> Russell Gilbert
> Sunny Sunraysia
> russell at ncable.com.au
> http://community.webshots.com/user/russellsrelics
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