[SEL] Tools

Ron Page page at velocitynet.com.au
Tue Apr 25 20:25:35 PDT 2006

Recently I went to a rally in Wagga Wagga and took along my Lister A.  With this I decided to show all my Lister tools and the like.  It is at


However, I have an ulterior motive.  You will note there a five shearers screwdrivers in the photo - all different.  For those on the other side of the ponds, do you have anything like these that could be obtained for me, particularly with brand names.  If so please let me know off list.  And for the Oz members I am particularly after a black handled Lister, a Cooper and a Buzacott or anything else that may be around.  All those that I have have two blades but I do know of one that was produced with three blades.  Once again I can be contacted off list.

Any assistance would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance


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