[SEL] Funny thing happened on the way to the bolt shop.

Kerry Morris ozhornsby at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 3 03:09:12 PDT 2006

G'Day Jerry
 Your second supplier is not correct on say "None".
as far as TPI goes he is correct that 1/2" is
different 12 verses 13 but UNC 
has 60 Deg pitch compared to 55 for whit, compared to
design one mix will be 
loose and the other mix will be tight.
In your case you may find the (cylinder head bolts)
stud, if I remember 
correct breaks into the water jacket (could be wrong)
but the point is with 
a mix of threads in some cases you may not get a seal
and you may have to 
use a sealant like Locktight

Even though OZ went metric 40 years ago the idiots
have allowed UNC to 
become the standard bolt size inplace of Whit, most of
Aussies mix without 
knowing the difference, If the thread was part of a
safety device for 
loading then different threads should not be mixed.

As far as the other suppliers are concerned if the
person answering was 
under 30 when SA changed he may have never heard of
Whit as you did ask for 
a specific type. Over here if I asked for something
and was supplied with 
something that was the said to be the same and it was
not and there was a 
accident they would be liable.

If you rang and wanted a ford vehicle do you what them
to tell you what sort 
of chevs they have - crap point but.

Kerry Morris
Lithgow N.S.W  OZ

WEB:  www.members.optusnet.com.au/kerrymorris_49/

skype ID:   ozengine

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