[SEL] semi - ot lock washer questions for engineers

bill at antique-engines.com bill at antique-engines.com
Fri Sep 23 10:58:16 PDT 2005

Debate flaming on in some forums:
"Split-type lockwashers" good, bad, worthless or worthwhile?
Some claim they are worthless and modern farm machinary, autos, engines
and other equipment don't use them because they are worthless (not due to
cost savings)

Others claim it's due to cost savings.

Are they worth using, do they do any good?
If so, what applications do they work in, which do they not work in?
Can you support or back up your claims?

I've always used them and can't say they do any harm, but I also can't say
it would work just as well without them because I haven't done
side-by-side experiments.

Runnells, IA
(where things may be coming apart due to lack of lockwashers?)

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