[SEL] stationary-engine -- 10th Anniversary 19 September

badams at tractors.bloomington.in.us badams at tractors.bloomington.in.us
Thu Sep 15 06:14:54 PDT 2005

 	I want to say "Thank You" to all the past and present members of 
the stationary-engine list.  I am honored to have contributed in some 
small way to the many wonderful projects list members have 
organized and participated in over the years.  I'm looking forward to the 
next ten years.

 	At Portland Gary Epps asked me when stationary-engine at indiana.edu 
was started.  I thought it must have been after Portland in 1995 but that 
was the best I could come up with.
 	Some research turned up the following email announcing the list 
on the antique-tractor list.  I have found no list mail from 1995 but 
would like to hear from anyone who has any messages from September of 
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 1995 08:25:33 -0500 (EST)
From: Brice Adams <adams at enif.astro.indiana.edu>
To: Antique Tractor <ANTIQUE-TRACTOR at ledger.co.forsyth.nc.us>
Subject: Stationary Engine list

         I have started a list for stationary engines.  To subscribe send a
message to majordomo at indiana.edu with the following line in the body:

subscribe adams_stationary-engine

         This list is under construction.

A very special thank you for Spencer.  Without your encouragement and
help, the list would still be just a thought.

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