[SEL] Le Roi engine info - RESTART

Jerry Evans jerrye at databak.co.za
Mon Sep 12 11:33:45 PDT 2005

Hi Again The List,
	Larry Evans contacted me re problems with accessing the 2 links I gave in
the above posting. The problem was that I had a space in the file name and
this caused the link to break.
There is a "space" between the word "leroi" and "1a.jpg" and this causes
the link to appear as

www.oldengine.org/members/evans/leroi                (with the "1a.jpg  not
forming part of the link - same with "2a.jpg"). However if you cut and
paste the whole line including the "space" and the rest and paste it to the
browser it will work.

	I apologise for any problems any of you may have had with this and have
now uploaded 2 renamed files to the site without the "spaces". (I've also
left the old ones up"

The new ones are:




	I'll remember in future not to put spaces in the filename - Windows
recognises them but it seems that HTML does not as far as creating links in
an eMail programme goes. I live and learn

Jerry Evans
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