[SEL] O.T. E-bay Dead Beats OT and Crimes

EnginePaul at aol.com EnginePaul at aol.com
Fri Sep 9 09:45:21 PDT 2005

The Postal Inspectors  investigate mail fraud including mailing bad checks 
and counterfeit money  orders. Postal Inspectors were once considered one of the 
most efficient police  agencies in this Country. The FBI is now charged with 
investigating internet  crime. The problem is budgets. The FBI has added 
responsibilities, but no money  to do it all.  
I say a crime was  committed. Unfortunately, most government agencies won't 
care; nobody will get  promoted or their name in the paper if they bring this 
guy to justice. I think  the best you can do is letter writing. 
"Work and play safely:  And now, "Sell safely." 
Good  luck.

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