[SEL] Engineers
Steve W.
falcon at telenet.net
Mon Sep 5 16:35:25 PDT 2005
The big thing that I see as a citizen is a State blaming the Federal
government for things that were there own fault. The state was warned
repeatedly about the problems and failed to correct them. Now the state
is saying that it was because the Feds wouldn't give them the money.
BFD. If they KNEW there was a problem FIX IT, then bitch about it later.
Just like most of the rest of us in the real world have to do. Instead
of taking responsibility for themselves they start pointing fingers.
Personally I say let the city stay flooded. Maybe it will teach people
to STOP being stupid and building in areas they shouldn't build in the
first place. Same with folks who build homes on "100 year flood plains"
then whine when a flood wipes them out. DUH why do you think it's called
a FLOOD PLAIN. NOLA was built BELOW sea level, right next door to GUESS
WHAT! AN OCEAN. Doesn't take anyone with any brains to figure out that
it is not a good idea. Then you get folks saying that engineers had
figured out how to keep it from flooding, These would be the same folks
who screwed up a few rather large rivers with "flood control" projects
which caused WORSE flooding. Yep sign me up to listen to that brain
trust. These are the same type of people who decide "we can build an
earthquake proof building", which then gets leveled by a large quake.
When asked, What happened? They say it was a larger quake than we
anticipated... REAL BRIGHT there.
----- Original Message -----
From: "peter ogborne" <jopeter at omninet.net.au>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: [SEL] Engineers
> Joe ,Tom and Tommy, I am glad you have given me an avenue to comment .
> has happened has happened ,engineers or no engineers. What is of
concern is
> the delay that has occurred in getting aid to those affected. It is
> than surprising that a country as great and powerful and having all
> resources such as yours seems to be stuck in neutral .Does it not make
> alarmed that if another such disaster should occur then the same
delays may
> be repeated.
> What contradictory messages are emerging......no one is allowed into
> affected area ,i.e. consular officials yet news teams are filming the
> devastation . Whatsmore an Australian news team rescued some
Australians who
> had been trapped at the convention centre.
> I must add that my own government would probably act in the same
> way....it is the way of conservative thinking .
> I will brace myself for a barrage of replies on this!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Judge Tommy Turner" <lcjudge at scrtc.com>
> To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
> Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 4:27 AM
> Subject: Re: [SEL] Engineers
> > Joe,
> >
> > I may have heard the same report that you did discussing the
section of
> > flood wall being the "newest" section constructed. However, the
person I
> > heard discussing it also stated that the sub structure it was built
on was
> > older construction with weak subsurface strength. He stated that
> > proper construction would have required extensive dredging,
> > of a temporary retaining wall and complete reconstruction of the sub
> > structure when the newer top portion was added. Lack of funding
> > prohibited the full rehab. He surmised that the sub structure gave
> > and allowed the concrete retaining wall, which was several feet
high, to
> > creel over and let the water in. You're right that without
> > there would be no one to blame. But, they have to design the best
> > structure that can be built........ with the funds that are
> >
> > Tommy Turner
> > Magnolia, KY
> >
> >
> >
> > Joe & Jewel Maurer wrote:
> >
> >>Tommy,
> >>
> >>Was good to see you and the SEL group at Portland. As a retired
> >>I might be insulted but I'm not. If there were no engineers, on
> >>would we blame failures? The dude from the Army Corp of Engineers
> >>the part of the dike that failed was brand new and that's as good as
> >>gets. "Short of building castle walls, New Orleans cannot be
> >>from all potential hurricane damage". Maybe he was just covering
> >>posterior.
> >>
> >>Joe
> >>Toadhill Farm
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> >>
> >>
> >
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