[SEL] Diesel Engine Starter With Oil Pump

Richard Strobel Richard_Strobel7 at msn.com
Thu Oct 27 07:07:24 PDT 2005

  On the neighbors  old Cat12 grader with the pony engine..one starts up the 
pony first (the pony exhaust heats up the main intake manifold) then engage 
the pony, bend your neck around to see if the oil pressure is up and then 
release the compression release.  Me thinks it's just a good idea to have 
the pressure up.

  On some military engines the starter button must be held in until oil 
pressure is up..if released early it will die....kewl low oil pressure 
safety device.

Have a nice day..will paint a border around the new small museum today. 
Line shafting machinery is getting cleaned and painted up and only want to 
move it once.


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