[SEL] Charity auctions

Jeff Allen transteck at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 23 14:40:03 PDT 2005

Hi Spencer,

If I had known any money would go to the Red Cross, I would not have 
donated to the auctions. We do have a list member that helped victims of 
the first hurricane, and then was hit by one. Perhaps the 20% for the 
Red Cross could go to his church for hurricane relief. Last I heard the 
Red Cross never showed up in Sulpher, Louisiana. A few snips below.

Jeff Allen
P.S. All the other choices are good ones.
P.P.S. Decided to keep the snips to on list posts. Left the off list 
personal message out.

>Here I go once again , pushing my luck by posting this to the LIST .On 
>9-2-05 I gave a update as to what was happening in my home town of Sulphur , 
>La and there was quite a response about the concern for helping those in 
>need of help, without throughing away their money to charity originations 
>that has high maintenance folks on their payroll .On 9-12-05 I received a 
>LARGE cash donation from Tom Schmutz in Virginia and today , 9-13-05 
>received another LARGE check from Jeff Allen in Colorado to give where it 
>will help those in need , and folks , you can`t image the response from 
>those that will use the money .They can`t believe people who they have never 
>seen and will probably  never meet ( like myself  ) opened their pocketbooks 
>and showed their kindness toward mankind .
> We may have our ups and downs on this list but you know what , when the 
>chips are down  , this is one group of guys ( and gals ) that will help 
>their fellow man for whatever it takes .
>  The Hurricane has come and gone , FEMA has come and gone , and we still 
>have thousands of homeless that can`t get the help our government has 
>promised and probably never will because they are too busy patting each 
>other on the back for such a good job they done .So , if you have any of 
>these unfortunate folks in your area , put yourself in there place for just 
>a little while and try to lend a helping hand as I am sure they will 
>appericate it .
> Again , thanks to Tom and Jeff for there most generous donations and thank 
>all of you for your PRAYERS and thoughts and for helping me help someone in 
>despertate need .
>Bo Hinch 
>Good morning to all my friends around the world .As most of you know by now 
>,we have another hurricane in the gulf of mexico knocking on our door and 
>fixing to come in , wanted or not . My family and employes have left this 
>part of the state and I will be leaving in about a hour or so . Hope to be 
>able to give you an update tomorrow evening but the way things are looking 
>at the moment , that may not be possible for awhile as the eastern part of 
>the eye will be passing over Sulphur in the early morning hours of saturday 
>with a lot of wind , rain and tornados . If it is against your nature to 
>Pray , at least keep your fingers crossed for ALL of us in southeast texas 
>and southwest louisiana .
>Till Later ( I hope )
>Bo Hinch 
> You are correct Charlie , we took a very hard hit . My home has a 
> little damage , my business has MAJOR damage and our federal 
> government won`t let me back to began making necessary repairs as it 
> is unsafe for whatever that means .Have had no help from the red cross 
> ( didn`t expect it ) and no help from fema ( didn`t expect that either 
> ).In the mean time , I have thousands of dollars of parts being ruined 
> because I can`t get back to make necessary repairs to my building to 
> protect them . We have no water , gas , electricity and very little 
> food .Went to axlendra la yesterday to find gas for the generator and 
> had to pull out my 38 to protect myself and family from a couple of 
> thugs . If I wouldn`t of had it behind my seat , I would be history 
> today .It may be a while before I can respond again so if you would be 
> so kind , please pass this on to all the list .As I have also ask for 
> before , I am asking again , PLEASE keep all of us in your daily 
> thoughts and prayers as times a!
> re tough and thanks to our federal government , its probably going to 
> be a lot worse before it gets better.
> Bo Hinch in hot , wet war torn southwest louisiana

Spencer Yost wrote:

>Unfortunately, I am having to send the note I was hoping I would never have
>to send.  Here it is October and we haven't sent out a dime yet from the
>winter or summer auctions.   I can't, with any semblance of self respect,
>wait on everyone any longer.  I am going to send money out using the
>following distribution:
>20% - Tod Engine - 25%
>20% - Internal Fire 25%
>20% - Red Cross Ear marked for Hurricane relief(contrary to what you
>occasionally hear on these lists, the Red Cross has a stellar financial
>20% - UNICEF (earmarked for the Pakistan quake)
>10% - Les Turner Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Foundation in honor of
>Bernie Hartmann (I am not donating to ALS Assoc since their score was
>downgraded at CharityNavigator.com)
>10% - Brookstown United Methodist Church Youth Fellowship Annual Mission
>Trip(my chosen recipient)
>I hate to act unilaterally, and those on the list that know me know I am
>not cavalier with important matters such as a charity auction.   However, I
>have begged and pleaded, solicited and been patient.   I set up a voting
>system that no one used(15 votes does not a quorum make), and waited for
>input from the SEL list as to how they wanted the summer's money spent; as
>I was told a scholarship fund was gong to get set up but no one has
>followed up with me to date on that.
>In the end, all I can envision are folks in need and our money sitting
>idle.   It's a shame.   I can't wait any longer so I have to do this.  It
>will take me a day or two to write the checks/fill out web donations, so if
>anyone has any input over the next day or two, I will of course as always
>consider your point of view and would like to hear from you.   But I will
>have to act.
>Spencer Yost
>Owner, ATIS
>Plow the Net!
>SEL mailing list
>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com

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