[SEL] Nov. GEM

Bob Bushorr rtbush at charter.net
Sat Oct 22 15:28:50 PDT 2005

This is for Bill and anybody that is having a serious problem with mail 
delivery. I work for the Post Office and know that sometimes there are 
problems that will delay the mail a few days. But 10 days to go 15 miles 
is not acceptable at all. You should call your Postmaster to complain, 
and if you don't get any satisfaction with him or her you should report 
it to the Postal Inspectors. Intentionally delaying First Class Mail is 
an offense not taken lightly. If the problem is management not doing 
their job by insuring that the mail is delivered because of poor 
staffing or unwillingness to pay overtime, that's no excuse. If the 
letter carriers just don't get it all delivered each day then it's up to 
management to correct the situation with route adjustments or help for 
the carrier. A single piece can get lost or misplaced, even a whole tray 
can be misdirected, say to Florida and back, but it shouldn't happen on 
a regular basis.
 We have one of the best Postal Services in the world and should expect 
better service than that. Again, yell and scream until you get results. 
You can try these links for help...  

  Good luck
   Bob Bushorr
 Postal employee for 32 years

Bill Brueck wrote:

>Mine arrived some time ago.
>Have had trouble with mail delivery at the business the past 6 or 9 months,
>occasional delay with no explanation.  Have gone to using e-mail and fax to
>deliver invoices to customers, had a big failure along this line recently,
>fortunately the customer is a regular and called us that the invoice did not
>arrive in time for monthly processing.  They took care of us anyway.  It
>took 10 days to deliver the invoice about 15 miles. 
>Bill Brueck (brick)
>Chatfield, MN, USA
>Confusion is a higher state of knowledge than ignorance.

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